The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
As you know, we monitor very many Catholic discussion sites, to see what is going on in the wider world. It is interesting that FINALLY, some Catholics seem to be getting a backbone on certain issues,...
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Quote:The seminary told him he had to leave and were releasing him for rigidity. . . . and you thought that Bill Clinton invented Don't Ask, Don't tell. . .. The RCC has bought into truckloads of...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Quote:KEYES: Now, obviously you have thought about this very question, in terms of the contribution made by homosexuality to this crisis and the role that it played. What would you say is, in fact,...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Quote:Often a young man will enter a Catholic seminary expecting to find wise, strong men, like Bing Crosby or Spencer Tracy. And what he finds instead sometimes are the Village People.Notre...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Quote:The idea that the crisis is being stage-managed as a traditionalist plot ought finally to be put to rest by another whistleblower who has consistently exposed and decried both the scandals and...
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Quote:"it is an ongoing struggle to make sure that the Catholic priesthood is not dominated by homosexual men.''They lost that war, decades ago. It really IS a "gay profession now'...And that isn't...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
I hate to use an old euphuism, but in reading this thread I see you guys missing the forest for the trees. You're looking at the symptoms of the disease, not the cause. There is no Elephant in the...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Sierra, as Sid likes to say...All we are doing, is trying to JUMP START a few lethargic brains here.You have to start with the glaringly obvious. { Even then, it is almost still an impossible...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Tan, I understood what you were trying to do...My problem with this thread was the title: The Elephant in The Church....that infers that Roman Catholicism is "The Church"...She has never been "The...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
You are right Sierra, we should work on making sure to NOT refer to the RCC, as THE CHURCH, because it is not. I try to always write RCC myself. This wasnt an intentional error, just one of those...
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Sierra, the title came from the LEAD in the article used to launch this thread, which, being writting by a Catholic, presupposes that "church" means itself, the RCC.
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Back to thread subject...I have realized that most NOvus Ordo Catholics and many mainline churches have accepted one of the biggest lies about homosexuality going...that people are BORN gay. This is...
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Look at what an openly gay bishop has done for the Episcopal Church.. . . the closet in the RCC is SRO.
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
But when you look at the world of the Anglican communion, MOST of the Anglicans are reacting in horror, and the denomination is facing up to the inevitability of a break/split.In the RCC, the problem...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Quote:It is a "see no evil, say no evil" charade now, one that is financially killing them, discrediting them everywhere, yet never openly addressed, except by some brave radicals, who see careers...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Quote:All this said, I do not feel seminaries need to put in a sexual preference litmus test, because this should be a moot point to someone entering the priesthood. However, men shouldn't be admitted...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Quote:The solution to that problem is simple and self-evident, according to Karl Keating, a lucid and sensible thinker if ever there was one: "I know of homosexual priests who live chastely. Such...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
This link is a .pdf file, and is most useful in understanding the misfits that the American Branch of the RCC made into priests after VII.It is 16 pages long:Conrad Baar's 1971 report to the bishops...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Submitted by Edward R. Fahy, MD FAAP (not verified) on Jul. 16, 2010.I'm sorry John, your commentary betrays an unfortunate ignorance about the realities of child sexual and physical abuse.Until Ray...
View ArticleRe: The Elephant In The Church That is Ignored...
Mr. Gibson is correct but this insularity, centralization vs. Vatican II, gospel values, etc. only reinforces the basic issue – clericalism; denial; etc.This reminds me of 1986 – Diocese of Dallas. I...
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